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How can I search for flights farther out than 60 days?
How can I search for flights farther out than 60 days?
Ian Carroll avatar
Written by Ian Carroll
Updated over a week ago

Extended availability is a feature of Pro accounts that allows you to view availability for the entire calendar, instead of just 60 days from now. Extended availability doesn't update as often, but is a powerful tool for finding harder to book flight awards.

First, make sure you are logged in to your Pro account. You should see a PRO badge in the top-right next to your email address.

Once you're logged in, you can search extended availability in a few places:

  • In the Search tool, your searches will always search for extended availability. This is the best and easiest way to search for extended availability.

  • On the Explore tool, you can click on the 60 days button below the regions to load extended availability.

  • On the Routes page, the Find availability button will show you extended availability for that particular route.

  • On the Explore tool or Routes page, you can click on the airport codes, which will show you extended availability either departing or arriving from that airport.

Although we do now support displaying extended availability on the Explore tool, it is quite a bit of data, and you may not have the best experience as compared to our other pages. Additionally, the Explore tool will not show entirely connecting routings or especially short routes. Use the other options for viewing extended availability to see entirely connecting routings.

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